Making ornaments before the winter holidays has become more of a challenge than I'd anticipated, but so far I'm still on schedule. My goal is to make at least one dozen ornaments each month this year so I'll be ready for Fall craft shows. I finished the ones in the photo a few minutes ago. I don't know how some crafters make the same things over and over again. After sewing one dozen of these, I'm definitely ready to make something new.
Why does it seem to take so long for me to finish these little projects? In a word - procrastination. Fall is still a few months away and it's hard to think about the holidays when the weather is getting so warm. Another reason might be that I've received a little too much "help" lately. The ornaments/bowl fillers must look like toys to my cats. The other day I found my handiwork scattered all over the house. It was a bit inconvenient, but no ornament was harmed in the process.
To find eyes for these wool kitties, I searched through Grandma's old button tin. I loved running my fingers through all the vintage buttons. I even found a string of naturally rusted safety pins in the tin. Those will be great to use for a primitive project.
oh there puuurrrfect!just think u dont have to make any candy corn ones,lol.have a great day i got to go back outside and do some gardening.god bless michelle
Oh my goodness! So cute!
Aw, thank you Michelle. And yes, I can't wait to receive those candy corn ones. I was very blessed to have won that giveaway.
Thanks so much Carmen!
I love your kittys and glad no one or any ornament was harmed..;o) I used to love playing with my moms collection of buttons..I have them now and use them for projects.;)
Most precious gift or personal purchase that will make the recipient smile, everytime they see it. :o)
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