I have a Crush! Orange Crush in the bottle - now that brings back memories.
Decisions, decisons.....I remember what a treat it was to choose my own little box of cereal when I was a child. My mom didn't buy us the variety pack very often, but that made the occasions when she did more special. Once in awhile I bought them for my daughter and now I enjoy providing them for my granddaughter. We're making some memories here. I always stock up on a few treats I think she'll like.
Granddaughter and I are planning all sorts of adventures for the week, but first things first - we made brownies last night. That's become a tradition. They smelled so good but were oh so messy. At first we didn't bake them long enough, then we let them bake a little too long. Granddad said he loved crunchy brownies.
Oh I love the photos you took..especially with the batter on her nose..I hope you have a wonderful time and have some great adventures to tell us.;)
Hey Kady, I love crunchy brownies! OMGosh, I loooovved orange crush soda when I was a little gal. Still do to this day;o) Your sweety is a lot of fun to have around.
OH My---I love the chocolate on the face and the nose--great photo and she looks like it tastes soooo good!!!
I do not remember having soda when I was young--but I remember the little boxes of cereal--but I think that was when my kids were kids!!!! We did not get choices when I was growing up!!!!
Have fun--Hugs, do all--Di
Hi Kady!
I was just catching up on your posts and read all the ones about your fun you are having with your grand daughter. There is nothing like spending time with the there? You brought back alot of memories! The orange crush was always soooo yummy. Now I need to go get some for a special treat. Our sprinkling bottle for the ironing was an old crush bottle. I was just telling a friend about it not long ago!Enjoy making memories with your grand! She will always remember these times and hold them dear to her heart!
Love ya~Judy
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