Saturday, November 27, 2010


I don't know how many years I've told myself I wanted to have a Christmas tree completely trimmed with my own handcrafted ornaments. Starting last January, I made a dozen or so ornaments each month (though I'm still finishing December's) with plans to sell them at some craft shows or a home show, but none of the shows worked out for me this year. I debated about using the ornaments but decided it was silly to have them put away when I could be enjoying them, so tonight I used them to trim the tree. At first, I pulled out three or four of each one but in the end I used many more than that. After I viewed the photo I realized there are a few ornaments I'd like to re-arrange, and I wish I'd "primmed" them up a bit. Had I realized I'd be using them for my own tree, I would have. I still have time to add some primitive touches. My reasoning for not making them look more primitive was that shoppers in this area don't seem to appreciate the primitive style.
I've also wanted a tall primitive tree. They're difficult to find in this area and when I do find them, they most often carry a hefty price tag. I found this one at a thrift store of all places. It looked good to me and the price was right. I like it and I think Tucker does too. He was a big help in trimming the tree, as most kittens are. Let's just say I'm glad all the ornaments are soft and unbreakable this year. Tucker will be going to the SICSA adoption agency in the morning so I was happy to be able to spend some extra time with him tonight. I'm trying to not think about the possibility of this being his last night here. We'll have to see what tomorrow brings.


Cat Haven Craft House said...

Sweet tree and sweeter kitty. Tucker looks so cute and content under there!

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

I love your tree and all the ornaments you made are wonderful..folks here don't know what "prim" is..I love little Tucker looking all too cute under your tree..He will be in my prayers tonight.;)

Unknown said...

The tree looks wonderful Kady and Tucker does look cute all tucked underneath. In fact considering Tucker the tree looks REALLY great! No broken ornies on the floor and the tree is upright LOLOLOL

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Your tree looks wonderful with all of your handmade cute ornaments ---very special!

I love little "Tucker" tucked under the tree!

Thanks for sharing and hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving" weekend!

Carolyn :)

Jenny Carter said...

Love the tree. It's too bad Tucker might be spending the holidays in and adoption agency. Wish you could keep him!

Donna said...

I love it! I think a tree like that is the best ever.


I feel bad that after all your work all year that you were not able to do a show with the ornaments!!
glad to see that you are getting things back into place--with soo much packed away--it must be easier to decorate for the holiday???
Hugs, Di

Anonymous said...

Love your tree with all the handcrafted ornaments!! You are right that prim isn't selling that great around here. They sold good for me at Sauerkraut Festival, but when I did my Christmas show in Dayton...didn't sell hardly any of them.
Tucker looks so cute under the tree. Hope everything goes well tomorrow for him. Saying a little pray for both of you.

Carmen and the Primcats said...

I loe your tree! THe ornies are adorable! And so is Tucker!!!!

Merry Christmas!

Carmen and the Primcats