Tucker is back home from the SICSA adoption center (http://www.sicsa.org/). I don't know how many kittens and cats were adopted this weekend. I only know Tucker was not among them. He didn't seem to have much of a chance with the number of other black and white kittens also waiting for homes. I'm disappointed but relieved at the same time. I'm relieved because he's still here with me and I can love him for a little while longer, but I'm disappointed because he and I will have to go through the separation all over again next Saturday. It might have been easier on both of us had a forever family adopted him today. I'm sure there's one out there waiting for a feisty little boy kitty to love. I simply don't know when a family will come for him.
I do know my prayers were answered though. There is a ritual I go through with every single animal I offer for adoption. I always pray the most needy among the animals at the center be adopted first, even if that means I have to make numerous trips there and say goodbye many times over before mine are adopted. My reasoning is this: I don't know what dire situations the others might have faced or how emotionally damaged they may have become from their ordeals. I know there are many who desperately need someone to love them. I also know the ones I foster are safe and loved here with me, so I figure we can wait for our turns.
Oh Kady how my heart goes out to you and to little Tucker!
The right human for him will come along when it is time.
haven't heard anything on the move--are you moving things or is there another hold up???
take care--
Hugs, Di and Gracie sends some kitty purrs for Tucker
Oh and she goes in the morning to get her stitches out--I just pray that I can get her in her cage!!
Hi Kady, I have been following your blog for a while now, and I have been especially taken with little Tucker and his story. I would take him in a heartbeat, but I live on the other side of the world. Your latest post was particularly heart wrenching, (I'm glad you could take him home again !) I think the job you are doing is just wonderful with all these little furry orphans, you are one awesome person!. My last cat was an orphan and I had her for 18 years (she died of cancer about a year ago), I also have a rescue dog (owner died) and she gets on well with my own dog.
I will continue to follow Tucker's journey as long as you have him and pray that he gets a loving home with people who will cherish him, he had a very rough start and deserves the best. Special kitty prayers for this brave little boy!
Kind Regards,
NSW Australia
I love your philosophy! It's just not Tucker's turn yet!
That's a nice way to look at how things go...is cared for and well loved and you are right some of the others may need a human much more right now than he does, as he has you. Hopefully the right human will come along at the right time, whenever that will be. In the meantime, I guess you will just have to keep loving the little guy.
I am happy he is still with you..and I love your philosophy too..;) give that little feisty boy a hug and love from me,:)
Maybe Tucker is trying to tell you something LOL Give a hug to that little boy from me. I hope you won't have to go through it too many times.
We used to say that when we had puppies. If somebody came and wanted a puppy but left without one, it just wasn't the right time. We, too, loved every puppy that we had but they all needed their own homes. And eventually, they all found them. Tucker will go with the perfect family--perfect for him.
I love your heart, Kady--and your positive attitude. You make this all sound so easy when I know it is not. My prayers and heart go out to you.
I just know that Tucker's forever family is out there and that this past weekend was just not his turn yet. And he has lots of lovin' from you until it is his turn. Saying a pray for both of you.
Oh Kady, I know how hard this must be for you to let him go, but I am glad to see him home with you again. I know he is safe and loved very much.
My thoughts and prayers are with both of you during the time. You have such a big heart and are such a strong lady to go through this so many times.
God Bless you
Kady, I think that Tucker should be always with you...I believe it's not a good thing you take him again to the adoption center...sometimes there's a reason why some things happens...just follow your heart!
I share in your relief Kady. I always held my breath, heart pounding, going back in to PetSmart to pick up and take home any remaining kittens. There was always a "strange" sense of relief when all 5 were still there. They were always so excited and ready to go home at the end of each Saturday...but I knew we had to do it all over again next week. ((Hugs))
Hi Kady,
You must have been a friend of St. Francis in another lifetime! :)
I love this picture of Tucker, he seems to be saying ... see, it isn't time for me to leave you yet!
Hugs, Laurie
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