Tuesday, March 29, 2011



"You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,

Know when to walk away and know when to run.

You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.

There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done."

. . . The Gambler, by Kenny Rogers

(lyrics by Don Schlitz)

I crossed another entry off my Bucket List last night. Everybody knows what a bucket list is, right? Mine wasn't witten down until recently and some of the things on it had already been accomplished before I actually sat down and compiled it. I've been up close and personal with Siberian tigers, white tigers, Bengals, black panthers, and lions - I've had the honor of being ringmaster-for-a-day at the circus when it came to town (I have a personally engraved whistle to prove it) - and I've been front row/center at John Denver concerts and harmonized with him as he sang. All of those were things I'd always wanted to do. Missions accomplished.

There has been something about which I've always been curious, but had never mentioned to anyone, so how could my kindred cat friend, Chris, possibly have known I secretly wanted to visit a casino? You read that correctly - yes, me - in a casino. Go figure. It's just something I've always wondered about. I've never played poker or any games of the sort -not in person and not online. I've never had the urge to do so and truly have no idea how to play those kinds of games. My grandmother taught me to play Canasta and my dad taught me Euchre. I've played Crazy Eights, Rook, and Uno, but poker or other chance games? No, not me, never.

Chris called and said she had a good place for us to visit this week and when she says that I know I'm in for a treat. She said you'll need to go get about $15 in pennies and about the same amount in nickels. Then she asked if I could guess where we were going. Gingerly, I asked if we were going to a casino. Bingo! Chris has an adventurous spirit and has taken me under wing and is teaching me how to have more fun. Thank you Chris.

We traveled to Indiana yesterday to visit what was formerly a floating Riverboat casino. From what we've read, the riverboat wasn't large enough to hold all the people who wished to take part in the onboard games, so a larger facility was built. The place is beautiful but I was overwhelmed when I saw all the games available and all the people who seemed to have settled in for the whole day. Chris and I just were there to have some fun and partake of a nice buffet lunch. She had previously visited the casino but it was my first time. I told her I'd follow her lead.

Things started out well, went down hill a bit, came back up, and ended on a high note. When on my first try I won $42, I was thrilled and would have been happy if that's all I'd won all day since I had only invested one dollar. I told Chris that $42 would neuter a cat! We played a few other games, took a break for lunch, then went back to the games for an hour or so before leaving for home. In that time, I won another nice sum and decided I should quit while I was ahead. As we walked to the parking garage, Chris said she thought I did well and I asked, "Do you know how much cat food this will buy?" I always have cats on the brain.

Chris and I had a great time, a wonderful lunch, and a beautiful day in which to enjoy our friendship. Thank you Chris for mentoring me in my quest to come out of my comfort zones. I appreciate you my kindred cat spirit and friend.


Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

what a fun day and you got some money to boot and another item crossed off your bucket list..my sister loves!! John Denver and would be jealous of you..she also loves Neil Diamond...;) have a wonderful tuesday.:)

Merilyn said...

What a great little adventure!!! Glad you walked away with money in your pocket!!!