Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I'm in a daze this morning - tired, but giddy about having possession of the old house I love. My daughter and her family stopped by the house with supper last night and that was such a nice gesture. Glenn and I thoroughly enjoyed having them come and celebrate with us. I emailed friends who had been very supportive throughout this whole house-hunting ordeal and invited them to stop by as well. I wanted to show them there truly was a house! We had run into many obstacles along this course and at times it seemed as if we'd never be able to buy a house we wanted. It was wonderful to finally be able to share our new old home with our family and friends. Glenn and I stayed at the house until after 9:30 last night but when we arrived back here, neither of us had the energy to pack up the car for another trip out to the "farm". We'll regroup, recharge, and be back out there tonight. I'll pack up a few more things today and make more lists and phone calls. I knew there would be much to do so this isn't a surprise to me. I'm looking down the road to the day we'll have things arranged as we want them and be able to just enjoy living in our new old place. Ideas for decorating are swirling in my head and I'd like to continue a vintage theme in the kitchen. I thought I'd share some photos of my latest vintage "finds". I have GINA to thank for getting me hooked on the older Pyrex bowls. I know my mom has some too, so maybe she'll be willing to part with them. Gina, when I saw your Pyrex collection, I knew I had to find some of my own. So thank you - I think. (*v*)


annie said...

Loving the fact you got your new home, hoping the transition won't be too difficult. Love the old Pyrex myself. Be blessed in getting "finally" in the home of your dreams!!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

This is the fun part! Discovering things you have had put away for forever.
I collect Pyrex, too! It is addicting.
Enjoy these moments!
Take pictures!!!!

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

OH Kady I love your pyrex collection..especially the turquoise one..they are rare..I love using them too..use them all the time...Thanks for sharing your collection..)


Dear Kady--I am so very happy that you have finally gotten your old new home!! and yes it was a long road==but well worth the wait--so now get busy and pack and unpack and play and plan and work==just don't forget to love on one of the kitties now and then!!!!!
Hugs, Di and miss gracie

Merilyn said...

Glad you had a nice first evening at your new home! I'm sure as you sort out your old cupboards and pack up you will find lots of forgotton goodies!!! Those old pyrex dishes remind me of cooking classes when I was at school LOL!!!!

Sandi said...

I'm so excited & happy for you, what an exciting time, moving into your new home!!

Anonymous said...

OH Kady something else we have in common,pyrex dishes.....I have the set that goes with the brown dish and use them all the time... I am sure you will find things you thought were LOST forever, when you get to packing.. It is kinda fun if it don't kill you..LOL SANDI R