Monday, March 11, 2013


It seems fitting that today is a gloomy rainy day in my tiny part of the universe. I lost a very dear furry friend this morning. Late yesterday afternoon I had gone into the cat room and found Holly, my 15-year-old tiger kitty, lying motionless on the carpeted floor. I called to her and when she didn't respond, I knew something was wrong. Though she looked fine and had no recent history of illness, she didn't come over to me and make welcoming little chortling sounds as she often did. She was cool to the touch, which I knew could be a sign that her organs were failing....but why? The only thing I'd noticed with Holly was that she'd begun sleeping more, but that's not at all unusual for a older cat. It's possible she experienced a stroke or heart failure. Cats can experience some of the same ailments people do, though it's sometimes difficult to tell if a cat is ill unless it shows signs of being  in extreme discomfort. I was thankful Holly did not seem to be the least bit uncomfortable. If anything, she looked very peaceful.
I called Glenn to come out to the cat room and together we wrapped Holly in soft blankets and gently placed her in a favorite basket. We put the basket next to one of the heaters in the room and began the waiting game. Had Holly appeared to be struggling or in pain, I would not have hesitated to transport her to the emergency vet clinic. She did move a bit but simply appeared to be sleeping. I think she was actually in a semi-comatose state. After allowing her to warm for a few minutes, I took her out of the basket, sat down on the couch, and held her in my arms. Tears began to flow and cats started gathering around us. If anyone suggests that animals do not have feelings, do not believe it. My cats knew something was happening and they responded with loving gestures.
As I was leaning down to whisper to Holly, Blooper scooted up beside me and began to gently push his head into mine, so much so, that his shiny black fur caught my tears. Little Betsy, another of my older kitties, placed her two front paws ever so gently inside Holly's blanket and touched her. She held them there for the longest time. Holly and Betsy had been friends and when Betsy's eyes met mine, I'm sure I detected sadness. Elliot, one of my younger boys, situated himself on the arm of the couch on my left side while Dixie, Baxter, Big Tig, and a few of the other cats sat at my feet watching my expressions the whole time. Though it was a sad occasion, it was also heartwarming and comforting for so many of the cats to be there with Holly and me as we said our goodbyes. 
Though I thought her passing would be swift, it was not. I held her for a long time, then placed her back into the basket to stay warm. Betsy repeated the gesture of putting her paws under the blankets in order to touch her friend. Blooper sat atop the heater, peered down at Holly, and continued to gently bump his head against mine as I leaned over to check the sleeping cat. Tiny little Kelly, the mama to my three big boys (Elliot, Bailey, and Rusty) sat at the side of Holly's basket and held vigil. She was still there when I came back into the cat room after taking a short break.

I stayed with Holly for long intervals and all the while, some of the other cats were close to the basket, never disturbing it, but standing guard, as it were. I couldn't help but think what a peaceful way this was to leave the world - wrapped in soft blankets and surrounded by gentle loving friends. We will miss you, my feisty little Holly. You brought much joy to our lives and we'll always love you.   



I am so very sorry for your loss. Our pets are just like our children, and it is heartbreaking when we lose one. My prayers are with you. Blessings,

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Such a touching story. I am sorry you have lost your sweet Holly, but as you said..what a peaceful and loving way to leave.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Holly had a wonderful home with you and bless you for taking such great care of your kitties. Hugs!

Michelle said...

I am sorry to hear this but how wonderful of your other kitties to help you and watch over her. Betsy touching her makes my heart so happy and sad at the same time.

Merilyn said...

Kady, I'm so sorry to hear about your dear little friend...
How very sad, poor little darling, at least she was surrounded by love, comfort and affection.
Aren't cats the most amazing creatures, when you think they are not taking much in, they constantly surprise you, they really are so aware.......

lms said...

oh kady....if i were a cat....i would want your hands to touch my are such a dear sweet friend to all our four legged friends....sending my warm thoughts and hugs your way....

Kady said...

Many thanks for all the kind and heartfelt sentiments. I always know when I take in a cat, she won't be with me forever. Still, I won't stop loving them or caring for them just because my heart will break when they leave. Life goes on as it's intended to and my life is better for having known Holly.

My Primitive Creations by Tonya said...

Kady...My heart goes out to you..I know all to well the feelings of emptyness & loss you feel for the lossof your dear friend of 15 years. She was as you were to have shared so many years at your side.
I agree with you animals know when something is wrong and they share many of the same feelings we do be it happiness, joy, saddness, sickness, anger and loss. God Bless them all for standing by Holly and you as she passed over the Rainbow bridge to wait for you to join her someday!
prayers for you & your kittys as you pass threw your grief!


The Joy of Needlework said...

My heart is with you. Hugs, LenZie

Kady said...

Thank you friends for all the kindness and love you've offered. Holly was indeed a sweet little friend for a long time. She could be very feisty at times but I do love a kitty with spirit. She will always hold a place in my heart.