It took longer than expected to work in the cabin putting away Christmas decorations and handcrafted items. I loved having them displayed, but it's time to think about Spring. I'd left the cabin looking like Christmas because I had friends who were interested in seeing it while it was still decorated for the holidays.....but I'd been bitten with some kind of nasty "bug" and was out of commission the whole month of January. It's probably the only time I didn't stress about not getting something done. I loved how my cabin looked all decked out for Christmas and wasn't in a hurry to change it. But ...with Spring arriving, I've done a little redecorating. I ordered a chair and ottoman which were delivered two weeks ago. What a dilemma it was though. Did I want a small loveseat or a recliner? Did I want a comfy chair or no soft seating at all? My main concern was how a chair or loveseat would fit inside the cabin. My spouse continues to insist the interior cabin space is exactly the same as I had in my other cabin, while I believe this cabin is a bit smaller. I do have a nice front porch on this one, so I'm not complaining - just stating what I feel to be factual. I have a door and two windows on one long side of the cabin, and one window on a short side, which is different from the other cabin. That one had two long walls, free of doors or windows. I'm having a difficult time arranging my tables and other furnishings to make eye-pleasing displays. I don't know why these decisions are hard for me to make. Maybe I need to stop thinking about how the "other cabin" was constructed, and simply arrange my displays to fit THIS one.
After weeks of searching online, and in person at many furniture stores, I finally made my selection of a Queen Anne - type chair with matching ottoman. The set fits perfectly into one corner and looks nice as well. Hubby and I pulled out a large table and placed it on the opposite wall, but that didn't look right to me. So we moved it back to its original location. Then we moved the church pew to the other side of the room. I wasn't sure I wanted it there, but I'm leaving it where it is for now. What I've realized is that I bought some things for this cabin - things I found at antique malls or outdoor antique markets - before I stopped to think about how they would actually FIT into this cabin. I was so excited to finally be able to have a cabin again, that I was carried away with the idea of a new adventure. So now I have to make do with what I have and not add anything else in the way of furniture. I'm literally running out of room!
I want my cabin to be a cozy place to relax and display handcrafted items when I host home shows, but not so cluttered that it's not a fun place to be. I still have some things I want to do out there, but I think it's taking shape. I'm telling myself I can always change it if it's not working well for me.

I absolutely LOVE your little cabin!!!! I also think your choice of chair and ottoman is just right, love the fabric it's covered with too....perfect!!!!! Life is a little like your cabin, we tweek things in it as we go along and our tastes/needs change with time......enjoy it and change it when you wish.....I think I've said before...I want one just like it........I can dream!!!!!!
Thank you, Merilyn. I truly am thankful for my little cabin. If I had a larger one, I'd just find more things to put inside it. My hope is to make it a nice place to host a home show (or two) each year. I'm on my way. Don't give up on your dreams!!!
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