The part of the barn which would have housed my furry felines was odor free and large enough to hold them comfortably, with lots of room for play, but there were no windows so the area was dark. Windows would have to be installed before I'd ever house my cats there. So the barn wasn't exactly as I'd pictured it. It actually wasn't at all as I'd thought it would be, but Spouse and I told ourselves we could open it up, air it out, remove the debris and make it work. Then we went into the house.
The house interior was decorated with a Victorian theme and was clean and inviting, but since there had been many room additions through the years, the layout of the house was a little confusing - it had no "flow". There were areas I loved, such as the family room with its gorgeous brick fireplace, and the light, airy all-seasons room with a wonderful view of the meadows and neighboring farms. I could have stayed in that room all evening, but there were also areas I didn't like at all. The two tiny second-story rooms, which I though might be a cozy sewing room and a small guest bedroom, were less than charming. It was obvious those rooms hadn't been touched for years. The bathrooms, while clean and nicely decorated, were simply too small for comfort and then there was the basement, which was downright creepy.
The kitchen was ok but very closed-in. I'm used to having a window over the sink and a view of my cabin and the woods behind it. Overall, I think my biggest problem with the house was how dark it was inside. There were windows, but due to the overhang on the outside of the house, the light wasn't getting inside. In the end, we pretty much decided this was not the house for us. I so much wanted it to be the one in which we would live and entertain family and friends, but even our realtor suggested we should keep looking, and so we will.
Sorry that it didn't work out. A lot of times, realtors are hopeful that people want to spend a lot of time making a place into the home of their dreams. To me, that means looking for young people. I don't blame you for not wanting to have to do so much work to get it it perfect for your purposes. You will find a place. it just seems like a rough go now but things will be better. Good luck in the search. In the meantime, enjoy the rich and delightful, interesting life you have now!
Kady, Sounds like another door closed but oh what windows left to be explored! I keep thinking of about the prayer of Jabez. Perhaps you have read that small book during a past Bible Study. You're right one target, dear one.
What a shame! but you are being practical about what your needs are, you just haven't found THE place yet! It's there....waiting!
Oh poo. Well, you want to be sure you get something you're gonna be happy with and sometimes that takes awhile.
Good luck luv!
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