Saturday, June 28, 2008

Miracles Do Happen

A few days ago I wrote about my friend, Dan, who is the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital in our town, literally fighting for his life. His devoted wife and extended family members have been at his side, though he had not been able to respond to them. Last night we heard the best news we have heard in weeks. Dan has begun to speak and recognize people! I'm not sure of the details, but the "how and why" of it doesn't really matter. What matters is that prayers are being answered and Dan's family and friends now have something tangible to hold onto. Our hopes that Dan will return to his family and our church fold truly seem like reality now. We know the road to full recovery will be long and the progress might be slow. But our faith is strong and our hope is renewed. To all of you who might have read about Dan and offered a prayer, thank you. I know Dan's family is touched by any and all acts of faith and kindness. My heart is grateful and full of thanks to God and to all of you.

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