Thursday, September 17, 2009


He's back. Bailey has come home. He did very well last night and the little girl who was to be his lifelong friend really liked him. After hiding for the first few minutes in his new home, he decided to come out and play with the little girl and they had a great time. Bailey even slept in her room last night in his own little kitty bed. He slept through the night and didn't make a sound, but the little girl awoke with hives and itchy eyes this morning and her mom recognized she was having an allergic reaction - most likely to Bailey. It was a very tearful parting for them and I am so sorry it didn't work out well. I'm especially sorry the little girl appears to have allergies.
On the bright side, there was a joyous reunion here. After Bailey was brought home, I scooped him up and he snuggled into the crook of my arm, purring loudly. I could swear he was happy to be back in my arms. That might have been wishful thinking on my part, but there was no mistaking the love shown between Bailey and his mama, Kelly. They sniffed and licked each other and Kelly immediately began washing Bailey, chortling to him the whole time. Both were purring intensely when sweet little Bailey reached up and wrapped his paws around Kelly's neck. It was such a heartwarming scene.
I am truly heartsick for that little girl. Today is her birthday and she can't even keep her present. That's very sad. It's possible, that in time, she'll not be so sensitive to cat dander. I will wish that for her because I think every little girl who loves cats should be able to eventually have one (or more) of her own.
Tonight Bailey is snuggling with his brothers and probably dreaming of his big adventure into the outside world. I have to be honest and admit I'm happy to have him back in the fold.


Anonymous said...

welcome back home bailey!

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

so glad your baby is home safe and sound..gotta say..wouldn't give any kid that is under 5 an animal..they are just too young...(thats just my opinion..;) have a good one and enjoy those babys while you got them..