Saturday, April 17, 2010


I love books - all kinds of books - craft books, cookbooks, cat books, self-help books - and I love to blog. I'm not suggesting I'm good at it mind you, just that I thoroughly enjoy it, so when I recently heard of a book about blogging, I just had to have it. It's called Blogging For Bliss.
I also love aprons - all sorts of aprons - vintage aprons, frilly aprons, homespun aprons, granny aprons - so when I recently learned of a book about aprons, I just had to have it too. It's called (of all things), The Apron Book. Don't you just love the catchy title?
Books always provide inspiration and I could use a generous dose right now. My books were delivered yesterday and I'm looking forward to browsing, then reading them. Who knows, this time next week, maybe I'll be blogging about aprons!


Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

well if you love are going to love my giveaway..;) I am posting it shortly..:) have a great weekend..and I hope you get inspired..although I think you are a pretty good blogger already..;)


I do not believe it--I am reading the Bliss book now--when I can keep my eyes open long enough---and I love aprons -- have lots of old ones and some I have made here and there and in fact in the back of my mind I may make one this month to go with one of the bom's for this month!!!
I love those 3 kitties--you have to keep them together--they would never do well in separate homes--and how is Dixie doing???
Hugs, Di