Thursday, August 5, 2010


I imagine it's hot and humid in most parts of the country right now. Here in southwest Ohio the humidity is so high those of us with asthma and allergies are finding it difficult to breathe well when we're outside. I'm seriously considering becoming reclusive until Fall arrives.
I visited our town's Farmers Market yesterday and was choosing vegetables when sudden gusts of wind nearly blew away some of the canopies. Farmers were literally holding down the poles to those canopies and as they did, produce, crates, and lawn chairs began to fly all over the place. The market sets up at the top of the levee and it wouldn't take much for the chairs and crates to go flying down the hill and into the Great Miami River. I put down my bags and began chasing the lawn chairs and crates and helped round up apples, peaches, and anything else that was rolling down the street. A little girl came by and picked up some of the apples I had trapped under a wayward lawn chair. She and I refilled one of the apple buckets and placed it on the rescued chair as an achor. Just as suddenly as the wind gusts appeared, they left, and things returned to normal. There's nothing like a bit of excitement to enliven this little burg.


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Sounds exciting but scary! Great reaction in a time of crisis!

Unknown said...

I love going to our local farm market, and getting lots of goodies! The wind can pick up and leave in a quick minute.

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

what did you get? love the photos you shared..nothing like a little romp at the market to get your juices flowing..;)

Judy said...

I just love reading your blog!!!! Congrats to your grandson!!! And what beautiful flowers! I think that one is a day lilie. Very pretty!Your grand daughter is quite the photographer!