Last night I received word that my Uncle John, my dear departed dad's brother, peacefully passed. Though he had lived a long and productive life (he was 91), my uncle had been in poor health for the last few years and had been living with his son, my cousin Terry. My uncle posed with his service medals and flag for a Memorial Day photo this year, which I posted here in May.
Uncle John was always kind to us, his nieces and nephews. He always showed us a good time when we visited and told us stories and jokes with a gleam in his eye. I don't remember him before he had the silver hair which made him look so very distinguished. I do remember he was a good man and a good brother to my dad. In the early '60s, when Dad was out of work, with a wife and four young children to feed and clothe, Uncle John helped our family monetarily and arranged for Dad to visit him so he could take him to prospective employers in search of a job. I traveled with Dad on one of those trips and I remember my cousins giving up their rooms during our stay so my dad and I could be comfortable. At the time I didn't realize the purpose of the visit, but Uncle John and his sweet wife, my Aunt June, took us under wing and gave Dad hope that all would be ok.
Although Dad didn't find a job in my uncle's town, he did eventually secure employment, but we never forgot Uncle John's generosity in looking out for our family and for his younger brother. I'm imagining a great reunion among my grandmother and her family members. All her boys are now home and Uncle John is with his bride again. Rest in peace Uncle John. You'll never be forgotten.
Oh Kady Sweetie...
I am so sorry about the passing of your precious Uncle John. You know it doesn't matter what the age, it is so hard to see one of our own graduate to heaven. Just know sweetie that all your memories are in your mind, and you can pull a book from the shelf at any time and reread that memory.
I will be remembering you in prayer sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
I am so sorry to hear of your Uncle John's passing; when I saw his May photo I thought then how young he looked...you must be aging well also:)
Yes, he is greeting many loved ones that passed before him...now you have another guardian angel.
{{{hugs}}}} Gail
What a lovely tribute to your Uncle John. How thankful we should be to have someone like him in the world for so long. My sympathies are with you.
Your memories will last forever. It is good to have someone in your corner when the chips are down and it sounds like Uncle John was a great corner man for your family. He was a blessing to your family and now he is welcomed into the fold of angels in Heaven. Now he can watch over you all from his seat with our Savior. A quote from Dr. Seuss:
"Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened."
It sounds to me as if this is a man to celebrate!
what a wonderful post for such a generous man..I loved reading this...:)
Hi kady
Sorry to hear of your loss and reading this I know he has a special place in your heart and memories.. :0)
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Kady. Big hugs!
I'm sorry for your loss, he sounds like he was a very generous and loving person.
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