This sweet kitten has begun to perk up and play. He's now wanting out of his carrier to explore his little world and he eats as if there's no tomorrow. I take those as good signs. He seems to have a strong will to survive and I'm feeling much more optomistic about him. I tied a plastic jingle ball onto the carrier door and I can hear him in there batting at it.
I took these photos this morning after Tucker ate his breakfast. I think he would have eaten more but he looked as if his tummy was about to burst. He and I sat up last night and bonded - he seems to be a night owl like me. As I held him, he placed his little paws on my face and started purring. He purred the whole time he was in my arms. He has truly captured my heart.
His little face is so sweet...and I'm happy for him finding you; here's to another healthy relationship...the black and whites always remind me of "ole Sylvester" of long ago cartoon days...who knew we would grow up to such sad cruelty to the animals we love. I believe in guardian angels and yours surely know which ways to point you.
Such a sweet face...he looks like he's so happy licking his little face and saying yummo! Glad he's doing so well. You're such a good momma.
Tucker - the bandit that came to still your heart and ours as well
What an improve in just a few days ... must be your love! Take care and give Tucker a hug for me.
Ah, the thief of hearts....
He looks like he is a keeper.
I'm loving him, too.
Mike finally said we can get a cat! Now I have to look around, go to our local shelter.....I will find the perfect cat. I know it. I don't know when but it will happen!
I am excited.
oh he melts me everytime I see his seeing these pictures..he is just so precious..give him a great big love from his Aunt Neenie..;)
Here we go again--those kitties sure can steal our hearts--even the ones we can't keep!!!
are you all moved yet???
thank you for taking in another one of Gods homeless.
Hugs, Di
Oh my...I can see why this little one has stolen your heart...he is adorable!! I'm so happy to hear that he is doing well.
Hello Tucker. Aren't you just a beauty!
Carmen and the Primcats
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