Sunday, November 28, 2010


Tucker was not adopted today. The adoption center has so many sweet kittens available I'm sure it's difficult for people to choose. I was told several kittens had been adopted this weekend, along with a few adult cats. That gives me hope for Tucker. He's only been available for two weekends thus far, so there's still lots of time for a family to claim him as their own. I'm not terrible disappointed that he's back with me for another week, but these "last" goodbyes are becoming more difficult.
When I picked Tucker up from the center, he didn't seem all that anxious to come out of his display cage, which surprised me. Then I noticed that one of the volunteers had arranged a number of blankets and small rugs in his cage so he had a little nest in which to lie. I picked him up and cuddled with him for a minute before putting him into the carrier for the ride home. He was purring the whole time, so I guess this routine hasn't broken his spirit, and for that I'm very thankful. We'll try again next weekend.
Once we were home, Tucker jumped out of the carrier and began running around the house. He ran into his room to make sure his water and food bowls were full and in the same place he'd left them. He also had a good time chasing the big cats. They're finally beginning to play with him a little. I think we're all glad Tucker is back home.


Karen said...

I woke up this morning thinking about Tucker. I knew you were going to take him to the adoption center yesterday and I was anxious to know whether or not he was adopted. I must say, Kady I am glad he is home with you once again. I worry about the kind of home he will go to. He is so cute and I love seeing a new picture of him posted on your blog.
Take care and have fun.

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

well I am for one..happy that he is still with you.;)....

Sandi said...

oh, come on kady!!

you know you want to keep him for yourself...LOL!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Looks like he found his way 'home'. Looks like HE knows where he belongs. He has a place in your heart, no matter what; and he is looking to have a place in your home.

Anonymous said...

Kady, I have to say I am not sorry to see little Tucker back at home with you. This amazing little ball of fluff n' love now has his own worldwide fanclub LOL, he has touched so many hearts, who would have thought....give him a big hug from downunder...I'm hoping he might be YOUR forever little guy!....Merilyn, Australia

Anonymous said...

Kady, I have to say I am not sorry to see little Tucker back at home with you. This amazing little ball of fluff n' love now has his own worldwide fanclub LOL, he has touched so many hearts, who would have thought....give him a big hug from downunder...I'm hoping he might be YOUR forever little guy!....Merilyn, Australia

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that, I didn't think the first one got through...LOL Merilyn