Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Tucker and I tried something new last night. I thought it would be fun to have him sleep with me. I also thought he might settle down and snuggle under the covers. He did, for about 3 seconds. The following tells the story of our "experiment".

Have you ever let a kitten sleep in your bed?
Did he jump and play and climb on your head?
When kitten and I are tucked under the covers
He wiggles out and over me hovers
Waiting for movement from my foot or hand.
He pounces and prances and on me will land.

He climbs on the dresser, falls off in a heap,
Climbs back on the bed, but he does not sleep.
Down to the floor he jumps once again.
He's ready for play though we're at the days' end.
The lamp on the table goes down with a boom
And Tucker is sent, like a child, to his room

He's quiet once more and his door is shut tightly
This isn't a thing we will ever do nightly.
That sweet little kitten with angelic face
Is so energetic, I can't equal his pace.
To wide awake Tucker it might not be clear
Why he's now in his room and I'm sleeping out here.
Kady 11/30/10


Cat Haven Craft House said...

I love it!!!! Give Tucker a whisker kiss for me today.

Carmen and the Primcats said...

LOL! Cute poem!

And yeah. I've experianced all that a time ot too! Shoot I still do with our pride even though they are grown they still get the night crazies!

Carmen and the Primcats

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

So cute! Tucker is one lucky kitty - if I was closer I'd adopt him...how can you part with him??

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

oh that poem fits that little stinker to a T..I love those photos..he is just too precious for words.give hima great big love for me.;)

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

That is just too precious! He looks so darned ornery but so stinking sweet! I love him and his antics! Though I can relate on the bedtime story. We take our oldest female dog to bed with us every night and always have but we know we cannot take any of the younger dogs. They just don't know how to act when they aren't sleeping in their kennels. They get used to one way of doing things. They are like little old ladies with their habits and mannerisms. They think they want to be in our bed until they get there! lol
I think with maturity, cats ( Tucker included ) mellow out and he will make a perfect nap buddy! Give him another chance.....

Unknown said...

What cute pictures of Tucker!

Karen said...

Oh Kady, that is such a cute story and those pictures of Tucker are adorable. See, you are so attached to him, that he should stay with you...your the only mommy he knows.

cynthia lee designs said...

Too Cute!!

Anonymous said...

Kady, I love the poem you wrote in Tucker's honour. I have a feeling that you are more in love with this little guy than you are letting on, or even letting yourself in on - only solution....you know what that is don't you!!! He's already found his forever home, right there with you...Give him a big hug Aussie hug from me Ok!!....Merilyn

Firecracker Kid said...

Hahaha... fits my fur babies to a T. That's a cute poem:) Tucker is so darn cute.

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Cute poem! He is such a cute little fellow!