Thursday, October 23, 2014


The Harvest Gathering Home Show is now history and I'm calling it moderately successful. We didn't have crowds, but we did have a rather steady stream of one, two, or three people at time until about 4pm. I was amazed that everybody who came purchased something. I was happy with the number who attended, and with sales, though selling wasn't my primary reason for hosting the show. My reasons were: to rekindle my passion for sewing and creating, and to prove to myself that I could host a small home show and live to tell about it. I feel as if I succeeded on both counts.

Some who attended asked if I was planning to "keep this up", meaning to have Fall items displayed for awhile. Affirmative. Others wanted to know if I was going to host a Christmas show - why, yes I am! Some even asked if they could come back and bring friends to see what was available. 

As far as what sold......all sizes of fabric pumpkins went well, patchwork pillows sold, but not the Americana ones I thought would go first. I guess it wasn't the season for them, but I thought some people might decorate with a red, white, and blue theme, as I do in my sunroom. Oh well. Catnip toys sold, along with large and small wool cats, and I sold all my vintage kitchen utensils. The baked goods were a hit, and I appreciated my daughter and granddaughter taking time to bake everything. I had only a few bake goods left, but many Fall handcrafted items remain here in my gathering room.

I thought I'd be starting to put up Christmas decorations this week, but I'm waiting to see if the people who asked to return, will do that. I have some Christmas ornaments finished and am working on fabric gingerbread men right now. The list of things I want to sew is growing, but I probably won't be able to finish everything by the next show, which is November 22, from 10am to 5pm. That's ok though. It's always better to have more to do than hours in the day will allow. That makes life interesting.

New photos are posted on the sidebar. For whatever reason, I still cannot upload photos to the text of the post. The new photos are under, "Harvest Gathering Home Show Day". Thanks for viewing!     


Merilyn said...

I'm glad you had a reasonably good day and that those who came by purchased items....sometimes these events grow by word of mouth and you start to get a reputation if you intend to 'host' regularly....well done on your first Home Show!....

Debra Gould said...

I think this is so cool having a home show. Before my husband and I retired here in Mo. we used to go to the city of Bensonville Il. where some homes would have Christmas crafts for sale. I looked so forward to going. I don't think they have anything here like that. Good Luck

Kady said...

Thank you, Merilyn and Debra. I'd told myself I was going to have a good day, and I did. I've made more $$ at some shows, but less at others. All in all, I was grateful for those who came and blessed to have so many sales. I'm looking forward to hosting the Christmas show, but if I do this again next year, I think I'll give myself more time in between shows - maybe set the date earlier for the Fall show. I'll take it a day at a time and see how it goes. I appreciate your kind words and support.