Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Every year I say I'm going to prepare for holidays sooner and often I fall short of my own expectations. This year I am making a concerted effort to follow through with plans. I visited some great little shops in the area last week and found a few things to add to my Valentine decor. I seem to have an eclectic mix of vintage and primitive items because I like both styles and I'm trying to mostly use what I already have.  The Butter Street Barn in Germantown, Ohio is always a fun place to visit and from there I found my way to The Little House just 5 miles to the north. Another good place to shop is Fields of Treasure in West Carrollton, Ohio, and yet another is  A Country Peddler, in Carlisle, Ohio, which is a few miles south of the Butter Street Barn. It's exciting to finally have a wonderful group of shops right here in my neck of the woods. I never tire of seeing primitive items, vintage treasures, and lovingly handcrafted offerings. The shop owners promote each other and that's a nice touch as well. If you're ever in this area, stop by any of the shops and you'll be directed to all of the others. Thank you to all who posted comments on my last blog entry. I've been taking your advice and making some time for myself and I'm a happier camper for it! Linda, I'm still doing those "three things" a day. Thank you! 

Be sure to click on the names of the shops - they are linked to the websites. Thanks!   


  1. Lovely display there Kady, good to see you are getting into the spirit! Glad you are setting aside some time for yourself, it's important......
    A happy Valentine to you and your DH.

  2. Great work! We feel the "Love"! Maggie

  3. i am so glad that you are taking the time for you...do you feel better now about doing just that....keep it up...i bet hubby will be glad you did it too......what three things are you doing next...keep blogging...i miss you when you don't...your friend linda
