Thursday, February 14, 2013


I wanted to do something heartfelt today so I baked Valentine cookies and delivered some to the neighbors, packed some to take to Mom, and filled a round container with cookies for Mom's caregivers at the assisted living facility. I kept a dozen here for Glenn and have a home-cooked dinner ready. The kitchen has been cleaned and I've worked on some sewing projects - just catnip toys for the kitty girls I'm watching this week, but it's still sewing. I'll go check on these kitties in a few minutes and then drive over to Mom's place to deliver a little Valentine package and her cookies. I'm sure she'll love them. It feels good to do something I want to do and be able give something to others in the process. I hope all of you were able to do something heartfelt today. Happy Valentine's Day!         


  1. So good to hear that you are doing some 'me time' stuff!!! This is a very good start! Your Valentine cookies look great, I'm sure your Mum and neighbours appreciated your efforts!! You'll have to show us the catnip toys you made for the kitty girls, sounds like a nice idea for my Miss Mini, I don't think she'd even know what catnip was LOL! I'll have to figure out where to get some!!!

  2. yummo on those cookies.....i wish i had some here....we have johns mom here in florida with us for the week...its been fun.....but oh are we ever tired....she is is good, linda

  3. I can smell those cookies all the way here in New York! :) Have a happy Valentine's Day! Maggie
