Today is my daughter's birthday. We celebrated last night at her home and I called her this afternoon to wish her a "happy birthday" on THE day. She was having a peaceful afternoon and nothing exciting was happening. She said she liked it that way.
After talking with her, I began to wonder why, as adults, we feel that way about birthdays. Why do we long for quiet days and low-key celebrations? That's so far removed from what we wanted when we were children. We loved balloons, party favors, cake, ice cream, and presents - lots of presents. Many adults now prefer to receive gift cards so they can choose their own presents. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but why don't we get excited like we used to? We seem to lose the joy of anticipation when we become adults.
I guess none of us is exceedingly happy about growing older, but I try to think of each birthday anniversary as having been blessed with another year of life. As soon as I have a birthday, I start to think of the next year's age, so when I arrive there, it's not a shock. Silly, huh? But it works for me.
I'm glad my daughter was happy with her day. She sounded completely comfortable having spent a low-key birthday with her hubby and kids. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit melancholy because I no longer have the privilege of planning birthday parties.
My daughters birthday is tommorrow.She is the youngest of the two girls.My oldest had a birthday June 8th.so this one is my baby,lol.Shes my baby at 25.I cant believe shes 25 already where does time go??lol.
Actually as I get older I like some celbrating for my birthday,lol.Mine is on Thanksgiving day and there is a crowd always so its fun.I think the older we get things do change though.
Wishing your daughter a belated happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to your gal! I'm with her. The older I get the more peace I want. I LOVe peaceful days.
I love to celebrate my birthday--so I am with you on that--I feel that each year now has earned me some celebrating--for the tears, joys, new things, old things, that have come through my life in the past year---I actually don;t remember but one birthday as a child--and that was my 7th birthday and Mom made me a doll cake where she inserted a barbie doll body down in the cake and I know I had friends over--cause I got a picture to prove it!!!!! I do remember we did celebrate though--later in life I always asked Mom to make me a German chocolate cake with the coconut frosting---yum!!!! I really miss those!!!
Hugs, Di
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