Sunday, February 21, 2016


It's "official"! My cabin is now known as - LIBERTY HOMESTEAD. A couple weeks ago, I visited the Black Crow Creations primitive shop in West Milton, Ohio. I talked to the owner, Nancy, who stencils wonderful signs. I asked if she took orders, and when she said she did, I asked her to make a sign for my cabin. 
Nancy called on Thursday to let me know the sign was ready, so I picked it up Friday and my spouse attached it to the front of the cabin today. Things do seem to be falling into place with the cabin. I have a wingback chair on order so I'll have a place to sit and read or listen to music when I'm in the cabin. The chair should be delivered early this week. If I'm not careful, though, I'll have more things in the cabin than the little space can comfortably hold.
My spouse helped me move the church pew to the other side of the room in order to make way for the new chair and I have some ideas about how I'd like to re-arrange crates and tables to use for displays. I'll work on those things this week since Ohio's weather seems to be milder and I can comfortably work out there now. It's time to start thinking SPRING!



Olde Dame Penniwig said...

It's always nice to see a cabin christened! I hope you will have many happy days inside, and lots of creating and selling!

Merilyn said...

I love the 'prim' sign on your little cabin....a great finishing touch!!! Love wingback chairs too, adds a nice homely touch to sit and dream, sew, create and just 'be', hope you share more pics as things progress......always enjoy seeing what you are up to.....take care!